Saturday, November 3, 2012

The United States and JesseYoungs Vs.George W. Bush


In class we watched the first segment to The Untold History of the United States. The very same day when I got home I got the book from Amazon. I started reading and found I couldn’t put this book down.  Chapter 13: “The Bush-Cheney Debacle” has enraged me. I am a veteran of the Iraq war. I joined the Army with the sense of duty, honor and defending the Constitution. I lost a year of my life, my health, my family and most importantly my dog, so Bush and his buddies could make money. I found it interesting that 142 different countries want to bring Bush up on war crimes.
I need a good Pro Bono Lawyer! I would like to sue Mr. George W. Bush for a whole list of grievances. To name a few of these  grievances :Lying to the American people about Iraq and the justification for war, stripping rights of American citizens, price gouging military logistics, breach of the Geneva Convention, emotional stress, and pain and suffering.
In conclusion, Bush was and is the worst president in American history and I blame him for the pain and suffering of many people around the world. I’m glad you can sleep at night Mr. Bush. I look forward to the day that I can kick you in the balls.

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