Sunday, September 23, 2012


Harry Truman had a very tough decision to make when deploying the nuclear weapons on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Truman made the right decision to use these weapons on Japan for two reasons. First, the Japanese declared war and attacked the United States without provocation. Second, the Japanese culture and mentality does not allow them to surrender; the act is considered a disgrace. To the Japanese, honor is everything and they would rather die than be dishonored. With this mindset, if the allies had invaded the Island of Japan, there would have been ally casualties. The United States had a weapon and chose to use it, thus ending the war.
In the very beginning of Our Cities Must Fight there is a page with the words, “The enemy will have no trouble winning the next war. Too many Americans will desert their cities at the first sign of danger.” I completely agree with this statement. The short movie discusses what Americans should do in the case of an attack. Americans would have to develop a sense of “Social Responsibility,” which unfortunately Americans do not possess.  
I have no comment for Duck and Cover. The idea of surviving an atomic blast by ducking and covering is absurd.
This film was more accurate about an atomic attack.

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