Saturday, September 15, 2012

Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?

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After reading the New York Times article in class and discussing it, I was not surprised by what the article was saying: “The Bush Administration had warnings months in advance of the attacks on 9/11.” To defend President Bush, the information that we know the President was getting was vague and did not specify locations and times. The CIA brief only said that Al-Qaeda was planning an attack that would have “dramatic consequences.” We have to take into consideration the amount of information of this nature the President gets daily. If the President were to act on all the threats the United States receives every day, our society would be in a constant state of Marshall Law.
There is a small group of people out there called "Truthers." These people have a strong belief that the events of September 11, 2001 were staged by the United States government to implement new laws that would restrict our freedoms (The Patriot Act) and justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan (the War on Terror). They do present a very strong case for their argument and the actions taken by the government after the attacks do raise serious questions. One of the most popular documentaries by a group of Truthers is called, Loose Change, which can be found on

I would like to think that the government had nothing to do with the attacks and the attacks were committed by a group of terrorists that object to the American way of life. The suspicious aspects of my personality tell me that there is more to the story than what we are told.

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